1. George is cooking dinner tonight.
- George (Subject)
- Is cooking (Verb phrase)
- Dinner (Complement)
- Tonight (Modifier of time)
2. Henry and Marcia have visited the president.
- Henry and Marcia (Subject)
- Have visited (Verb phrase)
- The president (Complement)
3.We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
- We (Subject)
- can eat (Verb phrase)
- lunch (Complement)
- in this restaurant (Modifier of place)
- today (Modifier of time)
4. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
- Pat (Subject)
- should have bought (Verb phrase)
- gasoline (Complement)
- yesterday (Modifier of time)
5. Trees grow.
- Trees (Subject)
- grow (Verb phrase)
- It (Subject)
- was raining (Verb phrase)
- at seven o'clock this morning (Modifier of time)
7. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
- She (Subject)
- opened (Verb phrase)
- a checking account (Complement)
- at the bank (Modifier of place)
- last week (Modifier of time)
8. Harry is washing dishes right now.
- Harry (Subject)
- is washing (Verb phrase)
- dishes (Complement)
- right now (Modifier of time)
9. She opened her book.
- She (Subject)
- opened (Verb phrase)
- her book (Complement)
10. Paul, william and Marry were watching television a few minutes ago
- Paul, william and Marry (Subject)
- were watching (Verb phrase)
- television (Complement)
- a few minutes ago (Modifier of time)
#2 Subject-Verb Agreement
1. John, along with twenty friends, (is/are) planning a party.
- John (Singular subject)
- is (Singular verb)
2. The Picture of soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories.
- The picture (singular)
- brings (singular)
3. The quality of these recordings (is/are) not very good.
- The quality (singular)
- is (singular)
4. If the duties of these officers ( isn't/aren't) reduced, there will not be enough tome to finish the project
- If the duties (Plural)
- aren't (Plural)
5.The effects of cigarette smoking (have/has) heen proven to be extremely harmful
- The effects (Plural)
- have (Plural)
6. The use of credit cards in place of cash (have/has) increased rapidly in recent years.
- The use (singular)
- has (singular)
7. Advertisements on television (is/are) booming more competitive than ever before.
- Advertisements (Plural)
- are (are)
8. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others (is/are) at an all-time high.
- Living expenses (singular)
- is (singular)
9. Mr.Jones, accompanied by several members of committee, (have/has) proposed some changes pf the rules
- Mr.Jones (singular)
- has (singular)
10. The levels of intoxication (vary/varies) from subject to subject.
- The levels (Plural)
- vary (Plural)